VMC Billing & Collection Policy

On This Page:

General Procedure
Patients without Coverage
Patients with Coverage


English Punjabi
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Tiếng Việt



The procedure outlines a well-defined, industry standard protocol for pursuit of payment of patient responsibility balances. 该程序概述了与收集患者帐户和将帐户转介给外部收款机构有关的活动的一致过程和审计跟踪. 十大正规网赌软件将尽合理努力收集由患者(或责任方)个人财务责任的余额. 在用尽所有可能的医院催收努力后,仍未支付的帐户将转介给外部专业催收机构,以进一步追讨所收到的护理费用.


General Self Pay Statement Schedule

First statement Day 1
Second statement Day 31
Third statement Day 61
Final notice Day 91
Bad debt pre-list review Day 115
Bad debt offload Day 120

General Business Principles

  1. Valley Medical Center认识到,没有医疗保险或医疗保险有限的患者面临着巨大的经济负担. 我们将为未参保的患者提供与我们签约的保险公司所提供的折扣相似的折扣.
  2. Uninsured patients will be offered prompt pay discount options for their remaining balance. (Please refer to Uninsured & Prompt Pay Discount policy)
  3. 病人或责任人如表示有困难而无法一次付清全部余款,可获提供最多12个月的延长付款安排, interest free. The minimal payment due shall be $50 on all hospital accounts and $25 on all physician accounts, not to exceed 12 months in duration. 如果患者或责任方不能在12个月内完成全额付款, bank financing will be offered for extended payment arrangements.
  4. Valley Medical Center offers long term payment plan options through a banking partner.

  5. If the patient indicates a problem paying the bill at all due to limited income, the patient or responsible party will be provided a Financial Assistance application, 该表格必须填妥并连同适当的财务证明文件一并交回,以便考虑将帐户余额调整为财政援助. (Please refer to Financial Assistance Policy.) 
  6. 十大正规网赌软件为合格的金县公立医院区第一房主提供十大正规网赌软件税收红利调整,以支付财产税. 在付清所有第三方和保险款项后,十大正规网赌软件红利抵税额可用于支付欠十大正规网赌软件的自付费用. 

    • 调整金额将根据金县官方税务记录中第1医院区所缴纳的税款确定. 任何医院区#1住宅的十大正规网赌软件税股息调整终身最高金额为3美元,000.
  7. 通过支票/信用卡/借记卡付款的患者或责任方,如果因资金不足而被退回,将在账户中收取额外的国家科学基金费用. Currently Valley Medical Center charges a $35.因资金不足而退回的任何支票或信用卡/借记卡交易的费用.

  8. Valley Medical Center will charge an interest rate of 1%, 30 days following the first statement and every month thereafter on accounts in a self-pay status. Accounts on payment plans or that may be holding, or pending review do not accrue interest until released back into the self-pay cycle.
  9. If Valley Medical Center receives return mail for the patient during the billing process, 将利用适当的资源对帐户进行研究,以确定是否可以找到准确的地址. If new, correct information is found, the account will be updated and the collection cycle will continue. If a current address cannot be obtained, the account will be referred to a collection agency for further collection efforts.

  10. 十大正规网赌软件按照西澳州的做法和医疗保险/医疗补助条例进行自费收取工作.

  11. Medical Liens: When a patient is a victim of an accident or other wrongful act, 他们的健康保险公司一般不会支付医疗服务,一旦确定另一方将最终负责. In addition, a patient may not have insurance but may be seeking settlement from the responsible party. In these situations, UW/Valley Medical Center may file a lien against the future settlement. A lien is a form of security interest over real or personal property to secure the payment of a debt.

  12. Account Placed in Collections May Include:

    • Credit reporting may occur 180 days following the bad debt offload. This process begins after day 120 from the Self Pay Statement Schedule. 
    • 在第一次结算后240天内,不得对逾期余额提起诉讼.
    • Telephone calls.
    • Legal judgments with subsequent wage garnishment.
    • Medical liens.
    • Valley Medical Center must authorize any legal action taken on any account.
    • Valley Medical Center will not authorize suit if there is not meaningful employment.
    • Accounts will be placed with an agency for one year, 然后,二级配售将与其他机构发生,除非付款安排已作出或已获得法律判决.
    • 如果他们在前90天内没有活动,则在额外的一年后返回二级安置.
    • 二级配售后退回的账户被视为不可收回,并调整为代理不可收回.
    • Unpaid balances will remain on the guarantor’s credit history for seven years, or for ten years if a legal judgment was obtained.

Patients Without Healthcare Insurance Coverage

  1. 没有医疗保险的十大正规网赌软件患者将在出院后大约5天收到一份医疗费用的汇总说明. 讨论财务选择的信息连同客户服务部门的联系信息一起提供在对账单上.
    1. Note: 十大正规网赌软件为没有医疗保险而入院的病人提供医疗补助申请援助. 患者将筛选医疗补助资格,并在适当的情况下获得申请过程的帮助.
  2. Patients are eligible to receive a 30% discount from charges as an uninsured discount. 
  3. 溪谷将以4次结余通知的方式通知患者或责任方.Depending on account balance, 患者可能会收到我们的银行合作伙伴的联系,以建立无息延期付款计划和/或贷款. Based on billing references, patients may receive telephone calls, text messages, or MyChart notifications starting 14 days after the first statement date. 
  4. If payment in full or payment arrangements have not been established, 最后的催收前通知将发给责任方,说明除非余额已全部支付或付款安排在对账单日起10个工作日内作出, we may have no other alternative but to refer the account for further collection efforts.
  5. If payment in full has not been received, other arrangements made, the account has met the 120 day account lifecycle, and all qualifying criteria have been met, the account will be assigned to a professional collection agency.

Patients with Healthcare Insurance Coverage

  1. Valley Medical Center will bill all insurance carriers identified. Valley Medical Center will await payment from the primary payer, 当十大正规网赌软件与付款人之间存在保险合同时,在要求患者支付账户上的未偿余额之前,即为第二付款人.
  2. 在收到保险公司的回复后,Valley Medical Center将生成一份关于患者余额的声明。. After all expected insurance payment is received, 溪谷将以4次结余通知的方式通知患者或责任方. Depending on account balance, 患者可能会收到我们的银行合作伙伴的联系,以建立无息延期付款计划和/或贷款. Based on billing references, patients may receive telephone calls, text messages, or MyChart notifications starting 14 days after the first statement date.
  3. If payment in full or payment arrangements have not been established, 最后的催收前通知将发送给患者或责任方,说明除非余额已全额支付或付款安排在声明日起10个工作日内完成, we may have no other alternative but to refer the account for further collection efforts.
  4. If payment in full has not been received or other arrangements made, the account has completed the 120 day account lifecycle, and all other qualifying criteria have been met, the account will be assigned to a professional collection agency with which the hospital contracts.