

As you recover, hospital staff will monitor your:

    • Vital signs (temperature, blood pressure, pulse, breathing)
    • 子宫
    • 阴道流
    • 液体摄入量/输出
    • 会阴切开缝线或剖宫产切口(如有)
    • 需要止痛药

How long you stay in the hospital is a decision made by you and your physician, but it is affected by state and national laws and your insurance provider. 保险 companies usually cover about 24 hours for an uncomplicated vaginal birth and 48 to 72 hours for a cesarean birth.


  • Dramatic changes in your body are to be expected in the first month after delivery. But 打电话给你的医生 immediately for certain conditions. 知道 需要注意什么.
  • To help tone your pelvic muscles, do kegel exercises—tighten the muscles you use to stop urine flow. 坚持数到20,然后放松.
  • 如果你不是母乳喂养, 穿合身的衣服, supportive bra 24 hours a day for the first 2 weeks.
  • Many new mothers experience temporary swelling of the breasts when their milk comes in. 试试下面这些技巧 帮助缓解过度膨胀.
  • Continue taking your prenatal vitamins or a good multivitamin while you heal.
  • Feeling tired and sometimes overwhelmed by the needs of your new baby is normal. If you have more pronounced or longer lasting symptoms than baby blues after you go 首页, 打电话给你的医生.


  • You have a call button on your bed, and your nurse's phone number is on your message board. 如果你需要任何帮助或信息,请向我询问.
  • Channel 29 on your hospital television runs a continuous program (24 hours) about mom and new baby care. Channel 15 offers the same programming in Spanish.
  • 我们的 泌乳顾问 每周7天包括节假日都可以上班吗. 
  • 我们的 现场药房 can fill any medications you need before you head 首页.
  • We want to make sure things go well once you're 首页. 看到我们的 母乳喂养核对表.
  • Breastfeeding mothers often have discomfort when baby first latches on. 试试这些 缓解乳头疼痛的小贴士.
  • Valley's physical therapists are specially trained to offer 分娩后治疗 缓解疼痛和肌肉紧绷, teach you how to strengthen weak muscles and develop techniques to ease daily activities and physical stress of childcare 

It is important to 打电话给你的医生 immediately if you experience any of these conditions after you go 首页 from the hospital:

  • 发烧超过101度(口服体温)
  • Excessive vaginal bleeding (soaking one or more maxi-pads in 1 hour)
  • Passing a blood clot larger than a lemon, followed by heavy bleeding
  • Foul-smelling vaginal flow (normal flow has the odor of menstrual fluid)
  • Sudden onset of abdominal, incision, or perineal pain
  • Inability to urinate; pain, burning, or urgency of urination
  • 腹部或会阴切口的开口, foul-smelling or bloody discharge from an incision, 或者伤口肿胀加剧
  • Tenderness with a red, warm, or swollen area on a breast, especially with fever or flu-like symptoms
  • Swollen, red, painful, and warm-to-touch area on your leg, especially the calf
  • Shooting pain down the back of your legs or difficulty walking
  • Severe headache, especially when sitting or standing, that gets better when lying down
  • Persistent depression or sadness that affects your ability to care for yourself or your baby

Lactation consultants are available to help you with feeding difficulties, 乳头疼痛, 牛奶供应(过多或过少), 早产儿, 有特殊需要的婴儿, 多胞胎,如双胞胎, 还有给领养的孩子喂奶.

While you are in the hospital following the birth of your baby, a lactation consultant is available 7 days a week, 包括假期.  If you have questions after you leave the hospital, feel free to call our 泌乳顾问. If an appointment is needed, the lactation consultant can schedule one for you. Your insurance company will be billed for the appointment. Any charges not reimbursed by your insurance company will be billed to you.

For more information about 十大正规网赌软件's 哺乳期服务, call 425.228.3440年,ext. 2526.

我们想知道你的母乳喂养进展如何. Problems are easier to correct when identified early. Once you are 首页, when your baby is 4 to 7 days old, ask yourself:

  • Did your breasts feel firm and full between day 2 and day 5?
  • Does your baby latch on to your breast without difficulty?
  • Does your baby suck rhythmically for at least 10 minutes per feeding, 你能听到宝宝吞咽牛奶的声音吗?
  • 你的宝宝需要喂奶吗?
  • Do your breasts feel full before you feed your baby and softer afterward?
  • Is your baby having at least four yellow stools every 24 hours?
  • Is your baby having at least six wet diapers every 24 hours?
  • Does your baby appear satisfied after most feedings?

If you answered "no" to any of these questions, call 十大正规网赌软件 哺乳期服务 at 425.228.3440 ext. 2526.

If you are breastfeeding, it is normal for your nipples to be tender when your baby first latches on. 疼痛会在几周内减轻, but could persist if baby doesn't latch or suck properly.

If your nipple tissue is cracked or bleeding, try these treatment techniques:

  • 轮换护理位置.
  • 从最不疼的乳房开始喂奶.
  • Use purified lanolin or vegetable oil on your nipples after feeding.
  • 在乳头上擦干乳汁/初乳.

Temporary swelling of the breasts when your milk comes in is called engorgement. 你可能还会感到疼痛和发烧. Your baby may have difficulty latching on if you are engorged.

充血 is caused by lymph congestion, increased blood volume, and milk accumulation. 试试这些技巧:

  • 母乳喂养频繁.
  • 轮换护理位置 to equally empty all lobes of your breasts.
  • Apply warm packs or take a hot shower before feeding.
  • 对于肿胀,喂食后使用冰袋.
  • Express a little milk (by hand or pump) to soften the areola enough so your baby can latch on.
  • Take pain relievers, as suggested by your physician.
  • 穿一件好的、有支撑作用的胸罩.




